Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

3. That's the number of kids that can call me mom this year. I always wanted to be a mom. It was my dream since long before I was married or even considering marriage. While that dream has come to fruition, it isn't really what I expected. I never expected to have only boys. I never expected it to be so hard and so challenging. I didn't expect to feel like I could barely keep up and also feel like I was often losing my mind. I never expected to have two babies at the same time! That of course, was the biggest surprise. Even now, on the hard days, I ask God what he was thinking. I wonder what life would be like if things went according to our plans and we only had Jack + 1 baby instead of Jack +2 babies. After much wondering of this idea I came to a realization. Had we only had 1 baby, I would still think raising kids was hard. I would have still had sleepless nights with a newborn and times when both kids are crying  and need my attention. Getting out of the house to do things would still be more challenging than it was with only Jack. And I would rarely sit around wondering how hard it would have been if we'd had twins. So really, would having only 1 baby make my life any better or any easier? NO! Not at all! Well, maybe a little easier, but I don't think I would know it. This Mother's Day as I watch my three beautiful children, I'm thankful for the surprising ways in which God grew our family.

Not only am I extremely grateful for my children and my generous, understanding, incredibly patient husband, but I also had a fabulous Mother's Day. We started the day by dedicating Schaeffer and Logan during church, followed by lunch with both our families. Lunch was yummy and laid back and the spaghetti turned Jack into an oompa loompa. He was covered in sauce. Hailey, Micah and Jack had a great time playing. They love playing together and I love it when we can get them together. 

All the mommies that were here for lunch. We have a bunch of great mom's in our family! (Megan included, though not pictured)

Once most of the family left Paul started working on the swing set. It was a little windy, but otherwise a beautiful day and Nicole, Trisha, and I sat outside and talked while we watched Paul drill holes and stain wood. Logan wasn't feeling well so I ended up slinging him and he slept on my chest for several hours while we sat outside. It's not often one of my babies sleeps while I'm holding them and I thoroughly enjoyed his sweet snuggles. Mike ended up coming over and started helping Paul with the swing set while Trisha and I made a Papa Johns run. We enjoyed dinner together and Jack and Haley (the neighbor, not the niece) played together for hours. It was such a relaxing, laid back day. And it ended with a nearly finished swing set which I am so excited for. I couldn't have asked or planned a much better day.
Schaeffer being funny when I went out to take pictures of the swing set. He was laughing so hard.

Haley and Jack laughing at the banana going around the racetrack.

Swing set going up!

Just need longer chains and two big kid swings.

Thank you Jesus for allowing me to be a mommy to these three kids. Please help me be the best mommy possible for them.

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