Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Monday Pictures-Week 44

Time has gotten away from me this week and I hardly took any pictures on Monday. They are getting harder and harder to photograph, especially together. They just won't sit still and trying to get Schaeffer to really smile for the camera is quite challenging. I wish he would, he has an adorable scrunchy eyed smile. Schaeffer had his fourth tooth break through on Thursday. He's still working on his top middle ones. I expect them to break through soon. Logan has his top middle ones but is working on two other top teeth. I can see one just below the gums, I know it will be here soon. Logan has become quite the little game player. He enjoys playing peekaboo and often initiates it or does the hiding if we suggest it. He also plays this game where he throws his head back and looks up to the ceiling. Then he looks at you and grins and laughs. I have no idea where he came up with that but he thinks he's so funny, probably because we laugh when he does it. Schaeffer is still combo crawling, but both boys have been sighted standing unassisted for brief moments. I'd say they are going for about a second or two. Not very often and not if you try to make them. Jack ruined me and I'm having a really hard time being patient for them to start walking. I'm ridiculous, I know. We're doing more and more finger foods and I'm trying to slowly transition them out of baby food. Part of me wants to keep with baby food because it's just so easy to shovel it in their mouths. But part of me wants them to just eat what everyone else is eating (sans eggs) because that would be easier in some ways. It's this transitioning that I'm not a fan off.

Schaeffer is often trying to steal Logan's pacifier. Schaeffer will take it out of Logan's hands or mouth or just find it on the floor. Schaeffer doesn't use a pacifier so this cracks me up. He just carries it around and chews on it, often putting it in his mouth backwards. He has no idea what he's supposed to do with it, but he loves to have it.

Logan is getting more adventurous on the stairs. Thankfully, he doesn't insist on spending all his time at the stairs right now. But when he is near them (or anything else he could climb) he is practice. He climbed up a step stool onto a box and he's climbed about 4 or 5 stairs now I think.

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