Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Sunday

I am totally having writer's block right now and can't come up with a clever or interesting way to tell you about our Easter weekend. So I'll just keep going with pictures and short captions.

Friday my sister (Megan) and I spent some quality time together dying eggs with Jack. We dyed about 3 dozen eggs and Jack loved it. 

This was the crew of kids that was at my parent's house for Easter on Sunday. 2-4 year olds, 1-3 year old, 1-2 year old, 1-10 month, 2-9 month, 1-7 month, and 1-1 month=9 kids! These are all of my Grandma Vest's Great Grandkids. Thankfully, she was able to be there and enjoy the day with all of these cuties. 

The four older kids went on 3 or 4 Easter egg hunts. They enjoyed it so much we just kept re-hiding the eggs and having them look again.

We got a little lazy and finally just started throwing the plastic eggs into the yard instead of actually hiding them. The kids loved racing around trying to find them all. Kaden (my cousin's oldest) LOVED egg hunting so much he stayed and did one all by himself while the other kids went to ride bikes. He said he wanted to find them all, so we let him. After he found them all he said he wanted to do it again because he wanted to find millions. He made me laugh, it was so funny to hear him say that. Sadly, we only had 42 eggs, not millions, so he went and road bikes.

They had such a blast riding bikes together and especially enjoyed playing bumper bikes. That wasn't scary to watch at all....

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