Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday Pictures-Week 20

It's another Monday. Seems like Monday's come around so quickly. Not a whole lot new going on since last week we basically did nothing except fight a stomach bug. I don't think the twins really got sick which is good, but the rest of us sure did. They have been having a lot of fun playing in their cousin's exosaucer which we are borrowing. Both of them try to stand up in it and they're not half bad at it. Jack loves playing with them while they are in it too. He pushes all the buttons and sings and dances with the songs and they think it's pretty great. Logan has also recently found his toes. Though he only knows they are there when his feet are bare. And sometimes even having pants on is enough to fool him into thinking he has no toes to play with. So despite the cold I've been giving him a little bit of time pantsless so he can play with his feet. And as you can see from the pictures Schaeffer could care less about feet since he's always sucking on his fingers.

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