Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Logan the Sitter

We have a sitter! I had been sorta hoping that the boys would be sitting by the time Christmas rolled around. But when I asked the doctor for a general timeline of when babies start sitting it seemed like perhaps my expectations were a bit unrealistic. So I readjusted my expectations but I didn't stop having the boys sit with help at least occasionally. I knew Jack sat around this age, so I knew there was still a chance. Yesterday while we were playing Logan did it! He sat all by himself for seconds. I took a few pictures and he fell over in between them. But the last two I took he sat through them both without tipping. I remember exactly when Jack sat by himself for more than a half second. It was so exciting and when Logan did it I was just as excited. He's of course not really close to being able to sit and play by himself or for me to plop him down on his bottom and leave him there. He still needs help finding his balance and getting situated. But he sits! It's so cute. We even got it on video last night when I was having him show off to Paul and my mom. And when we got him on video he sat even longer than he did earlier in the day. What a big boy he is. Schaeffer is close to sitting, he's just a little more stiff than Logan...ok a lot more stiff. The times when he'll actually bend at the waist and assume the sitting position all he really wants to do is push backwards. But on the rare occasions he doesn't do that, he can almost sit by himself for a few seconds. I'll be sure to post when he officially becomes a sitter.

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