Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer Help

This spring marks a first for me. The first time I paid a sitter to watch my kids. Paul was out of town for 12 days and I really wanted a break and a haircut. So I hired two sisters to come right after school for an hour. In hindsight I probably didn't need to hire them both, but it was my first time and I was nervous. One of those girls, Elissa in now my summer helper. Can I tell you that hiring a girl for the summer was so nerve wracking for me. Shouldn't it be more nerve wracking for the girl I'm hiring? I just was so nervous about talking to her and paying the right amount and what would she think of my house and my parenting. It sounds even sillier as I write it. But now Elissa has been here a few times and she's a sweetheart and we're getting into the groove of things. She comes twice a week for several hours and whether she knows it or not, she is very helpful. My goal is to do something fun one day that she's with us and do something practical the other day. We took her to the giant wooden Glen Oak Park the other week and it was so much more fun (for me) with her there. Jack is pretty good on his own and with Elissa there Logan and Schaeffer are free to explore and play how they want to, not how mommy says they must so we all stay together. I like the freedom they have to be by themselves when Elissa is with us. We'll also being dragging Elissa to the pool with us quite a bit this summer and I know I will be so thankful to have her there. An extra pair of hands and eyes where water is concerned is always good. Other days we run errands or work on projects around the house. Do you know how nice it is to leave the kids in the car when you just need to run in somewhere for a few minutes? I can tell you know, it's wonderful. So this summer I have finally taken the advice that some have given me since before the twins were born and found myself a part time helper. I really think she will help keep me sane, help us have fun and help keep my house clean-ish.

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