Sunday, June 24, 2012

Jack's First, Last Day of School

Jack had his last day of school over a month ago, but I'll tell you about it now. Jack did 3 year old preschool at Bethel this year and it was a wonderful experience. He really loved it and it excited to go back next year. The last day of school is sorta strange for a preschooler. They don't really understand what it means and why they will have new classmates and a new teacher in the fall. They aren't really excited about it being the last day cause they don't know what it means to be out of school for the summer. They don't go to school enough for it to make that much of a difference. I figured I would probably cry on Jack's last day, but I held it together until he said goodbye to his teacher. He had a closing chapel and program where they sang a lot of songs they had learned. Jack did a great job. He pretty much tries to sing everything and do all the motions. Though we did catch him yawning several times. Of course during his program is when I realized that our camera was broken and needed a visit to the camera doctor, so we didn't get many great pictures. After the program we made our way to his room one last time and collected his things and said goodbye to his first teacher ever, Mrs. Hart. He LOVED Mrs. Hart. Pretty sure he had a 3 year old crush on her all year. I'm pretty sure she loved Jack too. When we took his picture with her she started crying a little and of course that did me in. Soon Jack's first year of school will be a distant memory and I'll probably have a hard time remembering who his classmates were. But for now I remember the things he learned and the friends he made this year.

Jack's Class

Jack & Mrs. Hart on the first day of school and the last day of school. What a difference a school year makes.

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