Friday, June 24, 2011

Splash Baby, Splash

I think it's safe to say I've finally learned my lesson. Pee cannot be left in the little potty unattended. It is time for Jack to learn how to dump his pee into the big potty when he is done, without dumping it all over the floor, which I just know is going to happen. I've known for a while about Logan's love of the bathroom. But typically he didn't venture in unless someone else was in there. Today that all changed as both Logan and Schaeffer went exploring and came upon this incredible find of a frog potty filled with pee. Splashing ensued. As did pushing and crawling and before I knew it they had pushed the potty into the kitchen, splashing all the way. Jack was the first to notice (bad mommy award?) and started yelling that they had his potty. He was more upset that they were touching something he considered his than the fact they were playing in pee. I set down my laundry and was disgusted but immediately jumped to action to get rid of the pee, sanitize all hands, strip down all clothes and generally clean up the mess.  While I hope to never find my children playing in pee again, I did find the situation to be a bit amusing and I imagine with 3 boys we will have many more pee incidents of varying disgustingness. Good times in the Friend household.

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