Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday Pictures-Week 48

Eleven months! That's how old these two are now. One month until their birthday. I can't believe how quickly it will be here. Schaeffer and Logan seem to be growing up a lot recently. They are starting to pick up on more and more things and although not saying real words they jabber quite a bit. Occasionally it seems as though they are even repeating me. They clap all the time, especially if someone says good job or yay. They play so big and like to make funny sounds like clucking their tongue with the roof of their mouths. I've been trying to teach Schaeffer how to give kisses and every once in a while he seems to know what I mean when I ask for a kiss. Stairs of course are still Logan's best friend and he's started climbing on anything he can find. They eat a ton but we learned this weekend that they do have limits even if they don't realize it. Saturday night we let them eat too much and we paid for it. Schaeffer puked up his entire meal minutes after getting out of his high chair and Logan blew out two diapers the next morning. One of which the church nursery had to deal with and one which my mom and I cleaned up. The second one was probably my second most disgusting poop experience ever. The first being when Jack exploded all over me at the doctors office when he was not very old. Sunday on our way home from church Jack asked what "that" was on Logan's hand. We couldn't figure out what "that" meant so I craned my neck back to see what he was talking about. Logan was covered in poop. His hands, his pacifier, his face, his legs, his car seat, his toys. It was disgusting. When we got to my parents I took him straight to the bathtub where we scrubbed and scrubbed to clean everything up and get rid of the awful smell. So gross!

They are always taking toys away from each other. I love the look on Schaeffer's face here.

Playing so big with daddy and Jack. Jack loves to play so big with the brothers. Jack's version is a very quick back and forth between so big and so small which usually turns into so high and so low.

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