Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Catching Up and Hanging Out

I unloaded all the pictures off of my camera yesterday and realized I had many things to blog about and needed to catch up. I'd rather not cram all of this into one post, but tonight it's the best I can do.

Last Wednesday we had a wonderful day playing with our friends the Lewis'. Lisa was a good friend of mine when we lived in Palatine. Interestingly enough she lived in Paul's neighborhood for a few years when she was little. Small world. So she and her girls drove down for some playtime and some catch up time. I had so much fun getting some time to talk and reconnect with Lisa and the kids of course has fun playing. It was a short trip, but a big blessing.

He did not climb up here. But when I was standing at the fence talking to our neighbor he grabbed on with a fierce grip and hung there until I pried him off. 

And here's Logan being all brave and crawling in the grass. 

I love this picture. Logan was so sweet on Saturday morning. I let him play with the remote and he thanked me with extended cuddles and smiles.

The boys and neighbor/best friend Haley hanging out last night. We love when Haley comes to play. I get adult interaction, I get an extra set of hands (all from Trisha) and Jack gets a wonderful playmate. 

Jack's Iron Man face. He requested that I take his picture yesterday while I was taking the brothers' pictures. So we did a series of funny faces. Paul and I think his Iron Man is hysterical, this picture doesn't do it justice. 

Kyle, Jack and Haley painting pictures for father's day gifts. They did a great job although I found it very difficult to not tell Jack what colors to choose to coordinate well together or where to put his paint so it didn't just all turn brown. I don't usually think I have control issues until I sit down to do arts and crafts with toddlers.

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