Friday, March 25, 2011

Welcome Home

Packing is bittersweet. First of all it's a lot of work trying to track down all our stuff that's worked it's way throughout my parents house. Second of all it's a lot of work trying to fit it all into diaper boxes which are nice and sturdy but really not very big. We have a few other boxes, but mainly we have a lot of diaper boxes. In fact, I even labeled the boxes that still had diapers in them with the word "diapers" just so people knew that's what was really in there as compared to toys, books, food, etc...So the hard work is part of the bitter I guess, but really it's the fact that this is one of our last or our last day living with my parents. As I load up boxes and marvel at how much stuff we have here I also start to think about what life will be like on our own again. Will we be ok? How will I get by without my parents help? How often will I see my parents after we move out? It has been such a blessing to us to stay here the past 7 months. We are just so grateful for all the ways they have helped us through this transition time and also through the early months of the twins babyhood. Thankfully, this move isn't far and will pretty much land us right in the middle of both of our parents homes. And that's just one of the sweet things. As I pack up I also have been reflecting on what this move means for my family. It completes a nearly year long process of moving our family back to Morton. It's the beginning of our life here where for once we don't have a timeline on things. It's finally time for us to settle in to our life here and our life as a family of five. It's a lot of really good things.

Last night Paul and I went over to the house for the first time as its owners. It was completely empty. A shell of a house just waiting to be filled with a new family and lots of love and tons of memories. I can't even begin to imagine all the love and laughter and memories this new home will hold for us. The place we plan to raise our boys and welcome our friends and family. I'm a little nervous as we embark on this next phase of life. Not really sure why, I guess just maybe part of moving into a new phase of life and being unsure of what all that brings. But really I'm mostly excited for all the possibilities and for all the organizing that needs to be done :) I do love organizing. And for the fenced backyard and the basement rec room and the master bathroom and all those cabinets in the kitchen and the friendly neighborhood and the nearness of family.

Thank you Lord for seeing us through this journey and for working out every detail. Please help us to honor you with all that you have entrusted to us.

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