Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday Pictures-Week 33

The boys these days are exhausting! So far gone are the days of sitting in one place and being content. Schaeffer is crawling his way all over the house. He loves to venture into places he doesn't belong like my parents bedroom, the office and even the laundry room. You can just see in his eyes that he's roaming around looking for something to put in his mouth. Anything paper is a prime target. I imagine it won't be long before he discovers the stairs and starts trying to ascend them. Schaeffer is also continuing to practice pulling up and standing. He has started to very tentatively take a few steps with the push toy or around other things he's using to support himself. I can tell that he is getting stronger and more stable. Lord help us when he starts walking. 

Logan too, has been doing a lot of practice pulling up and standing. He is probably better at pulling up than Schaeffer though he hasn't really started taking any steps. He stands at the activity table for very long stretches  and can use just about anything to pull himself up. He has picked up on this skill quickly and as with Schaeffer, Lord help us when he starts walking. Logan also does some exploring but usually it's with Schaeffer, not so much on his own. Although he does really enjoy slapping the ground with his hand and hearing the different sounds that different surfaces make. Sadly Logan has a bit of separation anxiety and frequently melts down when I leave the room.

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