Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Guess Where We Spent The Morning?

In the ER. And not for one of the kids either. My poor husband has taken on a lot of stress in the past year and perhaps it has affected him physically. Paul has been complaining of his chest tightening up/chest pains on and off for the past few months. I thought after our house officially closed in Palatine that much of the stress had passed and with it his chest pains. But over the weekend they came back and have been hanging around for a few days off and on. So finally this morning after tossing and turning all night I took him to the ER to be checked out. We are not doctor people. It takes a lot for us to think we need to be looked at, mostly because we don't want to look foolish for thinking there is something wrong when there is not. The fact that Paul was even considering seeing a doctor told me that perhaps this was a good idea. There was no wait at the hospital which was great since we had the kids with us. Once they started running test I left with the kids since they were getting tired and antsy. Paul texted about an hour and a half later telling me I could come back. Thankfully, all the test showed that he is healthy and his heart looks great. The doctors aren't entirely sure what is causing his pain but said it could be a lot of things. They tested for the big things-heart, blood clots and who knows what else. So thankfully it doesn't look like anything major, but of course now Paul feels silly for going. But honestly, I'm glad he did cause know at least we know. And tonight when I go to sleep I don't have to worry that I'll wake up to him having a heart attack. So was a morning in the ER and a few tests worth the peace of mind even if we felt silly for being worried? Absolutely! I can't tell you how many scenarios ran through my mind between last night and this morning of what could be wrong with him and how scary those thoughts were. So Paul, when you read this, thank you for feeling silly, and for getting an IV even if it was just so they could tell you you are healthy. Cause really, isn't that the news we wanted most?

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