Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday Pictures-Week 35

The boys are pretty much the same these days. They are just honing their skills getting ready to say "watch out world, I can stand by myself." They can't do that yet, but I figure it's in their not too distant future. Both of them have figured out how to stand in their beds, Schaeffer in his crib and Logan in his pack n play. Often after naps I find them standing around looking at one another. I've also watched Schaeffer take strolls around his crib (holding on of course) while he waits for me to decide that yes, indeed nap time is over. Sometimes he stands up at the beginning of nap time and doesn't know how to lay back down. One afternoon Paul went up and Schaeffer had his head laid down on the side of the crib and was standing there whimpering, as if saying "Please lay me back down, I'm so tired." Logan has continued to improve on his crawling skills and he also continues to try new methods. If he doesn't like the floor he's on he has started bear crawling, up on his hands and toes. Pictures today were a bit difficult since pretty much none of the kids was feeling super great (can't you tell by Logan's grin?). All three went to bed with fevers of varying degrees. Poor babies (but so snuggly).

Jack has introduced the boys to the foyer and they've been spending a lot of time in there. They like to stand at the piano while Jack pounds on it and push the little tables and chairs around to hear the loud sound they make on the hard floor. They also like to investigate the stairs though they've yet to figure out how to climb them. That too is coming soon, I'm sure.

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