Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Monday Pictures-Week 34

I have two pros on my hands. The boys have both gotten so good at pulling up on things and both are taking slow but steady steps with their push toy and around whatever item they've chosen to help support their standing/walking efforts. They have both been a bit fussy this week, I think mostly due to colds, so there has been a lot of snuggle time in the rocking chair. Sometimes with one but often with both, one on each side. I enjoy their snuggles but it makes for even more unproductive days and the fussiness really wears on me and in turn I've been a fairly "fussy" mom this past week. The only really new thing I can think of from last week is that Logan began to crawl "correctly". He still reverts to his inchworm ways but his actual crawling abilities are improving and he has gone significant distances the "correct" way. It's only a matter of time before he figures out just how much faster this way can be.

putting their heads together

Oh and one funny story from the weekend. Often the boys take toys away from each other or use each other to pull up on or crawl over. One afternoon Schaeffer was laying on the floor playing with a toy and Logan came over and tried to take it away. Schaeffer wouldn't give it up so Logan grabbed a toy that was nearby and put in on Schaeffer's chest/head. Schaeffer started playing with the new toy and Logan got the toy he wanted. Smart kid, huh. You think he knew what he was doing?

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