Sunday, July 25, 2010

Watch Natalie Grow-Week 38

This is my last growing picture. Unfortunately we forgot to do the picture at home before we left for the hospital, so it doesn't match up exactly, but it's good enough. As you know I'd been having contractions off and on for around 3 weeks. They started out very mild and over the weeks their intensity slowly increased but their consistency never did. Then this past Sunday, the 18th, the contractions finally kicked it into high gear. I began to notice that my contractions were getting worse and coming more frequently so I began to time them just before 3 in the afternoon. They were around 6/7 minutes apart. I continued timing through the afternoon and finally called my doctor around 5:45/6 o'clock. We decided that I should drink a lot of water and see if that made a difference and call her back in a half hour-ish. Paul and I decided to get things together as I was pretty sure we'd being making a trip to the hospital. We ran out to KFC for some dinner, called the Roth's to have Jack spend the night at their place and quickly packed up our things for the hospital. The water made no difference and when I called Dr. Ankrah back around 7:15 my contractions were around 3-5 minutes apart. We dropped Jack off and said good bye to him, called our parents and headed to the hospital. Of course we nearly got lost because our normal route had a road closed. We have to cross rail road tracks to get to the hospital and for some reason several places we could have crossed were blocked off. By the time we found a turn that wasn't blocked we ended up in an unfamiliar neighborhood and really had no idea where we were. Thankfully we weren't in an extreme hurry! We made it to the hospital just after 8 and got all set up in our room. That's were we took this last picture, before I had to get into my very fashionable hospital gown. So this picture was taken approximately 11 hours before the twins were born.

           Week 37                  Week 38 and 4 days

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