Thursday, July 8, 2010

Watch Natalie Grow-Week 37

We're still here, still pregnant. We had an ultrasound yesterday and an appointment with our doctor this evening. Everything is still looking good. In fact, Baby B finally got his head down, so we MIGHT not need a c-section after all. That is great news...however, it means that instead of getting to schedule a day for delivery in the near future...we just keep waiting. I'm trying to adjust mentally and just convince myself these boys aren't coming until 40 weeks. That way if they come earlier it'll be a nice surprise. Tip for anyone who is ever pregnant...never get it into your head that you'll deliver early! Anyway, I've been having contractions off and on for almost 2 weeks now. They range from really mild to let me take a moment and get through this one. They are slowly but surely progressing things. We are dilated to 1cm and 50% effaced. Perhaps there will be yet another growing picture next week. It wouldn't surprise me. But we will try and take one before heading to the hospital, if we have time.

Week 35                             Week 37


  1. this is totally amazing! from a physiological standpoint seeing the difference in the curvature of your back alone as it adjusts to the demands of the babies is just really cool. i worry about your shirt making it thru this pregnancy too! Hang in there girl, you're almost through!

  2. Every time you post a new picture, it makes your last belly look small. :)



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