Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Monday Pictures-Week 1

Many of you are aware that throughout Jack's first year we took his picture every week, on Friday since that was the day he was born. These became known as his Friday pictures and made for an adorable Shutterfly book capturing many important moments in his first year and documenting his slow but steady growth. We will be doing the same for the twins only these will be Monday pictures since they were born on a Monday. I'm not sure how I'll want to do their Shutterfly books in the end, so to cover all my bases I'll do individual pics of each and also a picture of Schaeffer and Logan together. If Jack cooperates I'll try and get one of all three as well. We'll see how it goes! Here is week one. (I can't believe they are a week old already!)



Logan and Schaeffer

Logan, Jack, and Schaeffer
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  1. I love that Jack has his own blanket and is lying down with the twins. Nothing like this picture to make Jack look like the big boy he is becoming! Cute pics Nat!

  2. so cute! you are so great about keeping up with the photos. looking forward to seeing them grow!



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