Saturday, July 31, 2010

Going Home? the Lyons

Now that you all know that we are moving I can tell you more about the craziness of the twins' birth. We started working with the relocation company the week before the babies were born. On the Thursday before they were born we met with a realtor about selling our house and were told how we have way too much stuff and need to do a lot of clearing out to make our home look more like a model home. does a house with three kids look like a model home? So Friday night we rented a storage unit and started packing up the house on Saturday. Also during these few days Paul was trying to figure out how to deal with a minor mold concern in the attic. And we found out from our association that our garage door needed to be replaced and a few other exterior items needed to be taken care of. Saturday the garage door guy came by and Sunday we had a second realtor to the house and a guy to give us an estimate on the mold remediation. Both of the people on Sunday came in the afternoon when my contractions were coming about 6-7 minutes apart and fairly painful. As you know we went to the hospital Sunday evening and Schaeffer and Logan were born Monday morning. Tuesday the mold guys came and took care of that issue. But they needed to set up an air filtration system and recommended that people not stay at the house that night or the next. So Mom stayed at the hospital with me and Paul and Jack stayed at the Roth's. Wednesday Paul spent the afternoon at the house while the garage door guy installed the new door and Mom, the twins and I waited for him at the hospital. We could have gone home pretty much any time after 1 but didn't end up leaving until after 5. And actually we couldn't even go home due to the mold removal stuff. So instead we went to the Lyons' home. They happened to be out of town and had some other friends house/dog sitting for them. So we crashed their place Wednesday night and Thursday morning. Mom and Jack went on an adventure and stayed in a hotel. Pretty sure by this point Jack was really ready to be back home in his own bed, but he was a trooper and did great for his grandma at the hotel. Finally, Thursday afternoon we headed back to our house to settle into life with the twins. It was all very hectic and a bit insane but we survived and will continue to do so thanks to the grace of God and the generosity and kindness of our friends and family.

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