Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pool Party

Today we had a fun pool party. The weather wasn't quite as hot as it could have been, but it was very pleasant for sitting outside all day. And we added enough hot water to the pool that it wasn't frigid. The kids had a lot of fun playing all day, though they all had their unique styles. Mikayla enjoyed just chilling out in the corner of the pool chewing on whatever toys floated her way. Meredith discovered that she could crawl over the sides of the pool and find yummy sticks and dirt to eat. Caleb really didn't want to play in the water, but had fun playing doctor with the stethoscope and trying out all the other toys like golf, moon sand and bikes. And then there's Jack. He loved to play with everything, as long as it was outside.
All the kids took varying lengths of naps and we got to try out our new video monitors which were fun and worked well. After naps the Johnson's went home and Jack insisted on playing in the pool more even though it wasn't exactly hot out. He was a real delight this afternoon (I'm not being sarcastic). He serenaded Mikayla with an original song, mostly impossible to understand. Mikayla loved it and Tanya and I cracked up at his hysterical singing. After Mikayla left he played with his sand for 30 or 40 minutes without making a peep to me. Then he fell in the pool and got very wet and cold. After that he just sat on my lap outside for like 30 minutes snuggling. And he asked me to sing him Jesus songs. It was so cute and so nice to snuggle with the kid and sing to him about Jesus. 

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