Thursday, June 24, 2010

New Poll

I started a poll on my blog today. You can find it at the top of the sidebar. Think you know when these babies will be born? Cast your vote and see if you're right. For reference we are 35 weeks as of yesterday. Our week number changes every Wednesday. So next Wednesday we will be 36 weeks. If you think they'll be born between now and next Wednesday vote for 35 weeks and so on. The poll closes at midnight on our due date. Happy voting!


  1. Is there a prize if we are right?? Do we get to name one of them???

  2. first of all i dont know who voted for what week. second of all if prizes were to be involved we'd have to do it by specific date. which i could do, if interested. third of all i'd have to hear your name selection. fourth of all any other prize (i.e. money) would have to be supplied by the voters, like $1 per vote or something. otherwise....sure you get a prize if you're right :)



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