Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Big Bike

First of all my apologies to Matt and Amanda because this all started when I told them we didn't need Jack's bike seat anymore and they could borrow it. I should have talked to Paul first because he said he was totally up for using it if we just moved the seat from my bike to his. So last weekend Paul moved Jack's bike seat and Jack is in bike heaven. He LOVES riding the "big bike" with his daddy. He even likes his "bike hat". They take evening rides that often end with Jack screaming mad because he doesn't want to be done yet. We're working on that not so great behavior and tonight after he calmed down he actually told Paul thank you for the bike ride. It was sweet, as long as you could forget the tantrum that preceded it.

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1 comment:

  1. So I'm not sure why this didn't come to me before but I read that post about Jack screaming b/c he didn't want to be done and it reminded me of something my sister-in-law does with my nieces. She is teaching them to have "thankful hearts", so in a case like this she would inform Jack that he needs to have a thankful heart and then have Jack tell Daddy, "Thank you for taking me on a bike ride, Daddy" and that helped difuse the crying and tantrum... just a thought, use at your discretion :o)



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