Monday, March 15, 2010

Magic Bullet

I got a Magic Bullet today with some of my birthday money. Does anyone have one of these? My thinking is that it would be a good, quick thing to use for my breakfasts. Just throw in a few things, blend and have a smoothie. I tried it out tonight and it seems as though my smoothie "recipe" needs a little work to get it just right. But the end result was good. Perhaps I can find an ingredient combo I really like and after the babies come I can have smoothies for breakfast instead of nothing. After Jack was born I quit eating breakfast for a while because I would just run out of time or not know how to sit down to eat with a newborn needing me. So perhaps this will help me avoid missing breakfast. Or perhaps it's just wishful thinking. But if you have  Magic Bullet and a good smoothie recipe let me know.


  1. I don't necessarily have a great and exciting recipe, but I've often used the Magic Bullet for meal shakes. (That tended to be my daily breakfast when I was working.) I would use a powder meal shake mix (kind of like Slim Fast...but I'm not a huge fan of the flavor of those) plus whey protein plus milk. It would give me vitamins, minerals, and protein, and it would also fill me up for the morning.

  2. I'll try this again. I think the Magic Bullet is good for things like smoothies and shakes. For that, you'll like it. Not so good with thicker things like guacamole or chicken salad, etc.

  3. I use about a cup of frozen fruit maybe more, one small container of yoplait, and 1 scoop of the biggest loser protein powder and water. All protein powders are not made equal some of them call for 3 or more giant scoops of powder. I use the light yogurt and no milk and its about 200 cal. or less with lots of protein. Kevin's are not so healthy so I won't share how he makes them.

  4. Something to watch out for with yogurt is added sugar. Yoplait puts a ton of sugar in their yogurt. The calories may be small, but the carbs/sugar is worse than a soda. If you use yogurt, buy a larger container of plain, and read the label to make sure they don't add all that sugar.

  5. I have an off brand Magic Bullet and love it! I like Stonyfield fat free organic yogurt. I add frozen strawberries and blueberries. A half or whole banana. Strawberry/Banana/Orange juice. I also get a bag of flaxseeds and grind up a 1/4 cup. I put about a tablespoon in my smoothie and save the rest for future smoothies- gives you some omega-3 fatty acids (good for cholesterol).

    I had to play around with mine until I found the right combos!




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