Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Having Fun

Spring is a lovely time. It's so nice to get outside and not have to bundle up. We've been trying to get out any time it's nice whether to the park or for a wagon ride around the neighborhood. Yesterday we played with bubbles. He needs a little work on his technique. He currently puts the sticky wand directly on his lips and blows hard. The most bubbles he creates are on his lips from all the solution. Then we took a wagon ride and toward the end he said he wanted to walk. I was fine with that so I let him out. What he really wanted was to pull the wagon. After a few mishaps and many refusals of help he succeeded in pulling it all the way home. It was a good thing I wasn't in a hurry. Last week Jack got to go to the park several times. I find the park to be a very interesting social experience. There is a whole variety of adult supervision, some good and some quite lacking. There is very little English being spoken. And there are all sorts of ages and sizes of kids running around with a whole range of manners. It's very interesting to see Jack in this situation. How he interacts with the other kids and how he responds to being treated poorly or if he treats other kids poorly. In our first week of park going I realized something very important about Jack. It's the other kids that bother him not the size of the slide. It there are no other kids around the slide he'll go down pretty much anything, as soon as other kids are around (especially if they are being annoying) he refuses to go down.
This morning, we had fun at Monkey Joe's with some friends. Jack had a blast. He jumped his little heart out and had so much fun "falling". I think he could be a stunt toddler. He practiced falling backward from standing, falling from running into something, falling of the edge of something and doing a flip/somersault, and falling by jumping from higher ground to lower ground. And all of these were on purpose. There were lots of kids there due to spring break but even when they would run into him he was hardly phased. Besides how much fun he had and how much energy he used up...the best part was I hardly had to do anything except sit at watch. Usually I have to get in and help him climb slides. But today he wasn't interested in slides and that was great with me.

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