Monday, March 29, 2010

Big Boy Room

Today as I rocked Jack before his nap and laid him down in his crib I was a little sad. This was the last time I would do those things. Tonight he moved out of the nursery and into his big boy bed and room. Our baby boy is growing up and I'm excited but sad. I'm also a little nervous. Who can predict how easy or how difficult this transition will be. So far it's going well. I got up a few vinyl pictures in his room this afternoon. We wrapped a few birthday gifts and hung up the big sign we made him over his new door. After dinner we all went upstairs and he saw the very hard to miss sign.
He loved the pictures Paul had drawn and took several minutes to name everything and admire the pictures. Then we tried to explain how to bust through the paper and into his new room. He sort of understood, and gave it a tentative try, but he like the sign so much he didn't want it to rip or fall. So instead he found an opening on the side and snuck through. 
And he loved what he saw! The choo choo was the first thing he noticed and he was quite pleased with it. Then he saw the plane and enjoyed that too. 
We showed him his presents and he opened the first one....a CD player/radio. As we expected he loved that too. 
He started playing songs and finding different radio stations and trying out all the knobs. Every time he found a station he would stop, dance a little and then change it immediately. It was so funny, he was off the walls excited.
We played the rest of the evening in his new room going between cars, dancing and opening and closing the door. While he played we finished moving some of his things to his new room. Then came bedtime....he would not lay down. We read a story and sang our songs, but he refused to lay down. He just kept bouncing and touching the train on his wall. I got really concerned that we were in for a long night, but after Paul laid with him for a few minutes we said goodnight and closed the door, and haven't heard a peep since. So that was a lovely surprise. We'll see how he does if he wakes up during the night and what he does when he wakes up in the morning.

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