Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What Tuscon Taught Me

I've been kinda quiet lately. I guess without Monday pictures to keep me going I sorta let my blogging slide. That and I've just not had a lot to say. I tend to keep quiet on the blogging front when all I can think to write is whiny, complaining, frustrated stuff. But even if you don't want to read it, it does help me process if I write. So we'll see where this goes.

Paul was in Tuscon last week and I think his absence helped me figure a few things out. I'd been getting a little difficult to live with again. It seems I often slip into this pattern of getting frustrated with stupid stuff and then taking it out really bad on Paul. What I found to be interesting is that I didn't get quite as frustrated with him gone. It's not really Paul that makes the difference-it's my mental state, my expectations. I knew I was just going to have to suck it up and get through the week without him. I knew going into it that there would be difficult moments and I would be tired and worn down. I had realistic expectations of the week, I was mentally prepared for it before it happened. Thankfully, I did have friends and family to help me out in various ways which was wonderful. The thing is, when Paul is home I think I have unrealistic expectations. Scratch that, I know I have unrealistic expectations. I think that just because Paul is home I won't have to do much, I can take a break and relax. Truth is while he is a tremendous help with the kids and does a lot around the house...I can't really take a break just because he's home. I don't even know why I think I can. But it frustrates me so bad when he gets home and I still feel like I'm working just as hard to take care of the kids and the house and our marriage. Clearly I have a few issues to settle with myself.

I also tend to keep all my communication with him in my head. I tell him a lot of things mentally but turns out he did not come equipped to be a mind reader. Once again, why do I even think he knows I need help just because I thought "help me!". So when he doesn't do what I "asked" I get frustrated and and if the kids are whining or crying my fuse just gets so short. Oh me. It all sounds quite silly when I write it. I wish I had that perspective in the moments when my frustration is starting to get the best of me. I guess I'll just have to consider this an opportunity for growth.


  1. I think we all do this from time to time. I know I'm guilty of expecting my husband to know when I'm in over my head and need help even though I don't ask. Usually he's very willing to pitch in or give me a break, when I ask. Praying for you!

  2. So not that you have any time to read, but the book "Hold Me Tight" by Dr. Sue Johnson is excellent in working through some of these matters.

    Most importantly (I know I probably sound like a broken record most of the time) don't get so down on yourself. No one is perfect, and we all struggle with these same things. You are just honest enough to put it out there for others to read. :)



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