Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Ridiculously Great Day

Today I did something ridiculous. I spent 5 hours in the car with three kids by myself so I could get the boys hair cut at a specialty kids place near our old home. They get to sit in a car and pretend to drive it, they get to watch a movie, the hair cutters are really good with kids and if it's their first cut they get a certificate with their first lock of cut hair and a picture with their new do. I know it's ridiculous, but it turned out to be a great day. We got haircuts, had lunch and a play date with some friends and made a quick trip to Ikea. All three boys did exceptionally well in the car and even more exceptionally well during their haircuts. Somehow we were only a few minutes late for a 10:45 am appointment. Jack went first and showed his brother's proper hair cutting behavior-be very serious, do not smile, sit very still, and drive the car. Surprisingly, they pretty much all followed this routine. You could tell they were interested and curious about what was going on, but they only really got fidgety when they couldn't get their arms out from under the cape. Logan was mildly upset by the "tickler" aka the razor, but he didn't cry he just wasn't thrilled with it. 

First haircuts are a big deal to me. It's an instant transition from baby to "big" boy. It is a little sad to see their sweet baby hair fall to the floor, but these boys needed it bad. Schaeffer was practically sporting a mullet and Logan's hair was a wild mess and always getting tangled. The lady even had to spray some detangler on his locks so she could get her comb through them. Now when I look at their sweet faces they seem so grown up, and they look so much more alike. I thought Schaeffer would look a lot different with his stick straight hair cut off and no longer able to fly in the wind. But really he doesn't seem much different, just a cleaner, less mullety version of himself. I also didn't expect Logan's haircut to make such a difference. But his wild hair was sort of a visual cue to his personality. Now he looks like he needs a business suit and briefcase. His little curls are gone and his once darker hair is now even lighter since the dark was at the ends. I've actually called him the wrong name more times today that I have in the last several months combined. So their new do's are cute and very big boy, but I'm hoping that Logan will be like Jack and get his curls back when his hair grows out again.

Here are their before and after shots.


And this is what Jack looked like after his first haircut. He was a little over a month older than the twins when he had his hair cut for the first time.

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