Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Magnetic Tapestry

Jack's starting preschool soon. I'm sure I'll have more to say on that subject later. But I started thinking how he'll start bringing home projects from school and I wanted a place to display them. But I didn't exactly want stuff hanging off my fridge. It's been clear since we moved and I sorta like it that way. So I started brainstorming ideas. I wanted something in our common living area, not tucked away where no one would ever see it. I also wanted something that looked a little more sophisticated/designed than a basic cork board. And I wanted something big. If I'd had the perfect wall for it I would have done something on an entire wall, but I couldn't determine I had the perfect wall for that. So I started some searching online and came across a few tutorials on making your own magnetic board. And it seemed really easy, and it was pretty good size, and I could customize it to my liking. Here is my finished project. Paul calls it my magnetic tapestry. He really did most of the actual work. Something about not really trusting me with power tools. We adhered a large sheet of galvanized metal to a thin, but sturdy piece of plywood. Then I wrapped the now magnetic board with this canvasy fabric I found at JoAnn's. Paul made the frame out of chair rail and I spray painted it. Then Paul attached the frame to the board and hung it on the wall for me. Ta-da! Now I have both a fun, colorful piece of art and a prominent place to display Jack's and eventually Schaeffer and Logan's projects and school work. 

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