Monday, July 18, 2011

We Had a Party.

It was no big deal. Just a small little gathering to celebrate Schaeffer and Logan's 1st birthday. Kids that age don't really care anyway, right?


Ok, so actually we had a major blowout of a party, as you can see from these pictures. And these were even taken before the final decorating was done and before all the guests arrived. I have very few pictures on my camera so while I wait for people to share pictures with me, this is what I have to show you of our very fun, over the top birthday party. Paul has already made me promise that future celebrations will be much smaller and less overboard. But don't let him fool you, I think he enjoyed it all. We had over 40 people (18 of the under 5 years old!), my favorite doctor came (she expertly delivered the twins), several families drove over an hour to be here, two sets of was a wonderful time. All the kids had a blast playing in the pool, jumping in the bouncer, and running around all evening. We ate delicious food, had yummy homemade ice cream (thank you Dad!), shed a few tears while we watched the video Paul made of the twins first year and enjoyed being with so many of our friends and family. I had an idea in my head of how the party would go and it totally lived up to my expectations. I hope everyone else enjoyed themselves.

I sorta always thought people who had giant birthday parties for kids who didn't care were a little crazy. And this party is surely proof that I am crazy, but for me their birthday is a big milestone in our lives. I remember so clearly the fear I felt the day we first heard we were having twins. I remember the tears I shed because I was scared and unsure how I would manage a potentially difficult pregnancy and the challenges of two newborns, two babies, two crawlers (plus their older brother!). I also remember the tears that were shed because I felt guilty for crying about having twins. But here we are over a year and a half later, on the other side of all that unknown. The future is sure to be crazy and full of challenges, but now I know that we can do it. Because the Lord is with us, giving us the tools we need and because he has filled our lives with people who love us and who help us in so many ways. I thank that Lord so often for the gift of an "easy" pregnancy and healthy babies as I know many who have to travel a more difficult road than I. I also thank the Lord often for the many people that helped us. From watching Jack so I could clean, rest, take babies to the doctor, or go to the grocery store, to going to the grocery store for me. For all the people who prayed for us and all the people who gave us gifts so we could have two of everything. For the people who brought us meals, cleaned my house, packed my things, unpacked my things, helped me prepare a nursery. For the people who opened their homes to us when we needed a place to stay for a night, or for months. For the people who helped us get our house sold and settle into a new one. For everyone who helps me maintain my sanity! And for the people who spent hours helping us transform our yard into a party land. We have been richly blessed and that's why I wanted a big party for these two little boys who wouldn't know the difference. Because I felt like their first birthday would be a good time to celebrate all those who have made such a difference in our lives and to celebrate these two little boys who changed our lives forever. I never would have chosen twins, but now I can't imagine anything else. 

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