Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Monday Pictures-Week 51

In their Monday pictures this week you  might notice the Cheerio feast they are enjoying on the floor. I was talking with Brittany last week and she mentioned how a blogger she follows confessed that she just dumps food on the floor for her children to eat when she really needs a minute. This is my confession. I have been doing this for 4 or 5 months. It's so much easier than getting everyone into high chairs and waiting for them to throw their Cheerios on the floor so they can eat them later. It really works wonders when everyone is fussy and you just need a minute for something, or you just need everyone to be quiet. Monday morning tossing food on the floor was just the thing they needed. Shortly after their snack Logan made his way over to the current favorite cupboard and crawled right in. They are increasingly curious and quite good at making a mess wherever they go. They've been pushing walk toys around a lot lately, I hope that means they are thinking about taking their first steps. They've also started signing "all done" (Schaeffer especially), though it's clear he's still learning what it means. Example: Schaeffer at meal time will sign all done if asked and then immediately shove another bite in his mouth. Perhaps I need to teach him the sign for "more".  The boys are ever closer to their birthday and I only have one Monday Pictures post left. 

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