Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ugly Overflow

Something I heard in church on Sunday has really stuck in my head this week. And after a somewhat challenging day and several challenging evenings I think I need to take heed. Pastor said something along the lines of if there is something you are struggling with don't put all your focus and attention on fixing that problem, rather put your focus on God and strengthening your relationship with him. I have no idea if that's what was actually said or meant, but that's what I heard. So instead of trying really hard not to yell at my kids any more, or instead of trying really hard to be more patient, if I instead work on my relationship with my Lord in turn I won't struggle so much with those things. Something like out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. It seems like what I need is some quality time in the Word if I have any hope of becoming a better mom.

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