Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mommy's Mix-up

Friday night we went out to Avanti's for dinner with Kevin and Nicole. I decided that Jack was doing well enough with potty training to let him wear underwear to the restaurant, though I did put a pull up on over just in case. Jack did awesome. He didn't even need the pull up. We were sitting at dinner and Jack told me he had to go potty. I jumped up, grabbed him and whisked him off to the bathroom, unsure of his ability to hold it for very long. I was so singularly focused on getting him on a toilet before he peed that I didn't really pay much attention to what I was doing. We got in the stall and got him on the potty all without an accident! Then he really did go pee for the first time in a public restroom. I was so proud of him. While he was taking care of business someone came in and then left just shortly after. I didn't think much of it though I did recognize that we were in the only stall so they must not have needed the toilet. As we finished up and were leaving the stall a guy walked in and made some generic, kind comment to Jack, recognizing that he was probably new to the potty thing. The guy went in the stall while we went about washing hands. Still I thought nothing terribly strange about the situation. Even when I saw and recognized that there were urinals next to the stall, nothing struck me as odd. It wasn't until we were drying hands that it occurred to me that I had taken Jack to the men's bathroom! I guess it really didn't turn out to be too big of a deal but I'm sure we gave that man some funny dinner conversation.


  1. LOL - great story to tell to Jack when he is older.

  2. LOL (literally)! Natalie, I just gotta say, I love you!



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