Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hebrews 12:11

I always said I wouldn't be that parent who didn't follow through on discipline. If I said I'd give a spanking I would or if I said I take a toy away I would. I would let me no mean no and my yes mean yes. I knew follow through and consistency were keys to successful discipline and I was going to be a successful discipliner. Somewhere along the way I fell off the track I was so sure I would follow so well. I started to let things slide. I started to let myself get talked out of things in an effort to avoid an extreme meltdown. Somewhere along the way I decided that keeping Jack happy was worth not following through on things. How did that happen? When did that happen? It wasn't a conscious decision. Paul and I didn't sit down one day and say hey I think we're doing too good a job let's ease up on the kid and avoid the tantrums. Yet here I am extremely frustrated by the behavior of my eldest. I'm frustrated because I know what a sweet, kind, funny kid he can be and I'm frustrated because I know his behavior is in part because of my behavior. He has learned that if he pitches a fit I'll try to please him to avoid it. He has learned that he doesn't get one chance but rather many, many chances. Not only this but he has watched me lose my temper with him and now he acts out in similar ways. I hate that I've taught him poorly in this department and I want to do better. So now it's time for me to step up and be the parent I always thought I would be. Sadly at this point correcting this behavior is going to be much more challenging than had we never encouraged it in the first place. Of course, I won't make any of these mistakes with the twins. Right? :-)

"All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness." Hebrews 12:11

This is my verse, my mantra right now. As I try to train my children in the way they should go but also as I continue to learn discipline myself.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Nat. I know from disciplining 9th graders how hard consistency and follow-through can be, and I don't look forward to that part of parenting. I will be praying for you!



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