Friday, February 19, 2010

The Results Are In (Partially)

This is my third attempt at writing this post. Must have a bad case of writers block. I know I've been keeping some of you hanging since you know we had an ultrasound this past Wednesday. And I've really wanted to share the results with you but I wanted to do so with the right attitude, which probably sounds a little goofy. But here's what we know. First of all, and most importantly, both babies are healthy with strong heartbeats and good measurements. They both measured 6 ounces. The both looked great, though Baby B was a a little uncooperative and wouldn't pose for many pictures. It is still such a joy and miracle to see those two little babies up on the screen. 

Baby A

Baby B (we think)

This ultrasound was done right at 17 weeks, so a little early to tell gender, but still possible. That being said Baby A was pretty easy. Boy. Not really a question on that one. So then we all held our breath waiting to see what Baby B would be. But Baby B was much more difficult to tell. The ultrasound tech said she wasn't sure but she thought boy. Paul and I couldn't really tell at all. So it looks like two more boys for us, but perhaps a small chance of one boy and one girl. We'll probably know after our next ultrasound which has yet to be scheduled. So now in reference to my attitude. I sorta always thought we would have a family of boys, but once we found out about the twins I thought perhaps our chances of having a girl would be increased. While of course we consider ourselves blessed regardless, we both were sorta hoping for one of each with the twins. So it was a little sad to hear we probably won't be having a girl. And seeing as we currently don't plan on more children, that means no girls for us ever. So I guess I just needed some time to adjust to the idea and I didn't want my post to come across as though I was completely ungrateful, unexcited and so on. It's a good thing I have at least one niece, perhaps more in the future. I look forward to getting to use the little girliness I have in me on them!

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel about this. I really preferred to have another boy so when I had an early U/S that looked like this baby was a girl, it took a bit of getting used to. Of course, healthy is ALWAYS important, but it's not exactly what I pictured. By the time I had my 20 week U/S, I'd gotten used to the idea of a girl and so when they said boy, I was SHOCKED! LOL At that point, I could've cared less. Healthy is what's most important. You'll get used to the idea and won't even think twice when the babies are born! :)



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