Sunday, February 7, 2010

Our Enjoyable Weekend

What a fun weekend we had this weekend. Kevin, Nicole and Kyle came up for a visit and we had a great time hanging out with them. All the boys went to Monkey Joe's Saturday morning, which apparently wasn't what Kyle really wanted to do. But the little play date wasn't a complete bust...I mean he did get to eat some red chalk! Yummy. While all the boys were doing that, Nicole and I did a little shopping at Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby. I had her take a look at the stroller we're considering to get her opinion. She votes yes for getting the stroller, now I just need to talk Paul into it :) After shopping we did some cleaning/organizing/purging at my house. It's very helpful to me to have someone who's not a pack rat tell me what's worth keeping and not. I have such a hard time throwing things away. So with her help we got a bag of garbage and a few boxes for Goodwill, plus we found news homes for many items that were homeless due to the new furniture arrangement in the dining room. And she cleaned the top of my fridge! How sweet is that. While the little boys napped the big boys got to go to the shooting range and play with their guns and then we all went out for some pizza. It was a very fun, but tiring day as my customary nap got skipped (for good reason). I ended up falling asleep on the couch during our evening movie. 

Kyle and Jack had a lot of fun playing together at the house. Here Kyle decided to sit on Jack's lap so they could both enjoy a car ride. Jack thought it was funny at first, then he realized how much bigger Kyle is!

This afternoon Paul decided to keep up with the purging theme from yesterday and hauled a bunch of boxes down from the attic to go through. So far we've made it through about 6 with very good results, lots of throwing away of old papers and donating of old clothes. Go us! Then we went to a super fun Super Bowl party. Jack had a great time playing with all the kids that were there and we had fun watching the Saints win and hanging out with friends. 

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