Thursday, January 28, 2010

Getting into Shape

For months I have been trying to help Jack figure out shapes. He was never all that interested in his shape sorter unless I put the shapes in the holes so he could pound them through with his hammer. But I've been noticing that while he won't really just sit and match shapes, he is picking up on the concept that certain objects fit in certain ways through certain holes. So yesterday I got out his shape sorter and we went to work. He did so great! He isn't clear on which one is the circle or the square...but he has finally grasped the concept of fitting each shape into it's correct hole. And then today we were doing puzzles and he matched up his shape puzzle like a pro. I'm so excited. He still doesn't really have the personality to just sit down and fit shapes together until he's got it figured out but he is learning the concept. Wahoo!!!!!

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