Wednesday, September 19, 2012

School and Teacher Visit

Jack started his second year of school the other week. He is in Mrs. Suttles' 4 year old preschool class at Bethel and as expected he is having a great time and has already wont the heart of his teacher. He runs in his classroom every morning and greets her with a big smile and "Good morning Mrs. Suttles!" Last year I would always tell him to go into class and say "Good morning Mrs. Hart!" It always made her smile and so on the first day I reminded him to greet his teacher and now he does it on his own. No reminder needed. It looks like he is in for a fun school year.

The week before school started his teacher came over for a home visit. Jack was super excited and could hardly sit still while Mrs. Suttles talked to him. He also couldn't stop talking! She was asking him questions and he would just talk her ear off telling her all sorts of stories from the summer. She heard about how Papa shot a snapping turtle and how he threw up repeatedly the day we went to the St. Louis Zoo and how we visited John Deere tractors. I had to tell him to stop talking about throw up because he just kept going on about it. Mrs. Suttles finally made it to the last question and she tried to steer Jack back to the intended conversation by saying, "I have one more question for you Jack." He immediately responded with, "Ok, but let me ask you a question first" and proceeded to tell another rambling story. Finally the questions were done and the meeting was over, but Jack couldn't let his new teacher leave without dragging her up to his room to show her is turtle bones. Later that day we were asking him how he liked his teacher and he seriously announced that he was being shy when she was here for her visit. Perhaps he talks incessantly when he's shy?

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