Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Good Deal, Great Fun

For a while I've thought it would be fun to get one of those giant inflatable water slides for the backyard. But the kids are little so I was trying not to rush into anything. I did keep my eye on craigslist though in case a great deal happened to come along. I also had talked to Nicole about this and she was interested in splitting the cost and sharing one. Sounded fantastic to me, but still we were going to wait, no need to buy a brand new one at full price at the end of summer. Then last week I was clicking through craigslist and came upon just what we had been looking to buy at some point and it was over 2/3 cheaper than brand new. I emailed the people and texted Nicole and picked it up on Friday. I think it was definitely a good deal and splitting it with Kevin and Nicole makes it even better! With everyone having work off yesterday and with temps near or in the 90s we decided to give it a try and make sure everything worked. The kids had a blast and we are very happy with our purchase! Kyle, Haley and Jack slid and slid and slid. Hayden played for a long time and never once got upset about being sprayed with a water canon or slid into by the sliders. She was one tough little cookie and seemed to love every minute of it, despite having her swim suit on backwards and thus sporting a 1980s high cut aerobics look. :-) Schaeffer and Logan loved the water canon and thought it was hilarious to spray people, especially Hayden. They also enjoyed climbing in and out and sitting on the edge and bouncing. They both went to the top of the slide a few times, but Schaeffer only slid down once and Logan never brought himself to try it. I think next summer it might be a different story. I have a feeling we'll be getting a lot of use out of this.

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