Monday, September 3, 2012

Fish Food

I can't even remember the last time I blogged. We've been having Internet issues so I haven't been on the computer in what seems like ages and blogging on an iPhone is not worth the effort. Typing with all of my fingers is much more efficient than typing with two thumbs.

We've spent many evenings in recent weeks at my parent's house feeding the fish. The boys have come to love this activity and I've bought many life jackets in an effort to ease my (and my mother's) fears of someone falling head first into the lake. Schaeffer and Logan are particularly terrifying as it seems they have no concern for the edge of the dock or perhaps they are far more confident in their balance than I am. But with the life jacket's at least they'll float and that's enough to ease my stress and allow me to mostly enjoy their careening around what suddenly seems like a very small plank of dock jutting out into a vast body of water. They seriously get so close to the edge and seemingly show no concern for falling in! It's constant activity and excitement when we feed the fish. The boys run to the bucket, scoop out as much food as their fists can hold, spill most of it on the dock and then run to the edge to throw it in. Jack and Logan mostly stick to feeding the fish. Schaeffer, however, is often throwing food on the shoreline or in the paddle boat or stuffing it down his life jacket. He seems perfectly content to do his own thing regardless of the silliness of it. They love throwing the food about as much as they enjoy seeing the fish come to eat it. Their delight is infectious and it doesn't matter if it's a few of the tiniest fish that come for dinner or a whole gang of giant catfish, they are excited just the same.

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