Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Friendliest Barber Shop

I should have gone to beauty school. Usually I'm the one coming up with crazy ideas in this family, but Paul had one of his own recently. He thought maybe we could save some money by cutting the boys hair ourselves. He also thought if we want to try we should try now so that if we are really bad at it they will be too young to care. I can't really disagree and in reality I have had this idea myself, but it makes me so nervous. What if we royally screw something up? I guess hair grows back. But still it makes me nervous. Also turns out that if I get around too much freshly cut hair I start sneezing and itching and blowing my nose. So maybe good I didn't go to beauty school, but if I had then I would be a whole lot more comfortable taking on the task of cutting my boys hair. As it is, I didn't do any of the cutting. Paul ordered the supplies for the same price it costs to get the boys cut once. So we really aren't out any money just for even trying once. And Paul did all the cutting. I helped hold some heads still and I handed out treats to keep little ones happy and I tried offering advice. But let's face it, I really have no idea how to cut boys hair, or any hair for that matter. Armed with confidence and the rational thinking that even if he messed up it wasn't a big deal, Paul did all three boys last night. I'd say he did a fair job for his first time. I don't think they look quite as polished as normal and their hair is perhaps still a bit longer than normal, but for his first time he did well. So if you see my kids and you think their hair looks weird, now you know why. We are open to tips and advice from anyone...especially those with knowledge in this department!

Here are some before, after and during shots of the boys.


  1. My husband uses what is called a Flowbee. He said his dad used it on them ever since he was younger. It has different blades on it for different lengths. But there is no rhyme or reason you can just run it over their head. You don't have to worry about making it straight or cutting too much off of one area, etc. I have never seen them in stores but I think you can order it online.

  2. Forgot to put this...

    It works perfect for little boys' hair or even men. Aaron has never paid for a haircut. The other plus is that the hose hooks up to your vacuum so you don't have to clean up all the mess afterwards. I think they might be like $70-80 but it totally pays for itself since it lasts many many years.



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