Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday Pictures-Week 30

The babies must have aged quickly because you may have noticed that last week was week 28 and this week is week 30. Or several weeks ago I mislabeled and just realized. Ooops! Oh well, it's all straightened out now. I know you were terribly concerned.

This week wasn't marked by anything too significant, just improving on skills they have started to develop. It's very interesting to have to babies at once and see how they come up with different ways to accomplish the same thing. Schaeffer is a definite army crawler, he relies heavily on his arms to propel himself forward. Logan on the other hand is much more like an inch worm. He relies heavily on his legs to propel himself forward. Both have gotten quite proficient at their method of mobility and Schaeffer is more often discovering that there is a world outside of the living room that he is capable of exploring.

Schaeffer showing off his tooth, you probably need to click on the picture to see it. And Schaeffer in mid army crawl.

Logan demonstrating his tee-pee making abilities and his extremely adorable smile.

The boys being brothers. Schaeffer just sat there and wouldn't look at the camera, Logan was all over the place. These pictures make me think of brotherly love. Hugging, leaning on each other, and pushing each other.

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