Monday, September 20, 2010

We're 2 Months Old

Schaeffer and Logan are 2 months old! Their 2 months fell very close to a Monday, so you're getting a lot of Schaeffer and Logan pictures. To compare Jack was 8 pounds and 20 7/8 inches at his 2 months. He was not even on the I'd say we're doing pretty good since both boys actually have percentiles. 

Schaeffer Lee
9 pounds 6 ounces (6th percentile)
22.25 inches (24th percentile)

Logan William
8 pounds 12 ounces (2nd percentile)
21 inches (almost 2nd percentile)
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  1. I think Schaeffer looks a lot like Jack in these pictures! And congrats on your new nephew!

  2. Your boys are so incredibly adorable! And Logan's smile is so precious!



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