Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Pictures-Week 9

Here we are at week 9. The weeks are flying by and the boys are getting bigger and stronger all the time. Their 9th week was marked with many trips to the Pumpkin Festival and the birth of their cousin George. For now George is smaller than the twins, but I don't think that will  last long. Logan, whose usually quite happy or very angry, has continued to shower us with smiles. Schaeffer, the more serious of the two, is slowly coming around and occasionally graces us with a beautiful smile. While they tend to still eat every 2 hours and our nights are still a little unpredictable, we're hoping that in the coming weeks we'll see some positive changes in these areas. We had a pretty busy day...and since they were rarely both awake at the same time I didn't manage to get a picture of the two of them together. Probably not a big deal since I got one yesterday.

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