Monday, September 13, 2010

Quick Trip to the Store-Yeah Right

Wow. I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to all the looks I get when I'm out by myself with all three kids. There are many who ooo and ahhh at the babies but so many more give me looks that say "you poor thing, you've really got your hands full". It's these looks of pity that I don't know how to handle. I've started just avoiding eye contact, but those times when I don't I just put on a big smile as though this quick (not really) trip to the store is the easiest thing. Today I went to Wal-Mart. This is the first time I've gone out with all three kids to a store where I needed a cart. The game plan was to utilize the push, pull system. Put one baby and Jack in the stroller to push, sling the other baby and pull the cart behind us. This worked fairly well, except that steering is a bit challenging. Let me tell you...this system generates a lot of looks and comments. I'd say the trip was fairly successful, though I left without everything I wanted. I couldn't find a few things and with lunch time approaching I decided they weren't worth searching for. As it was we left the store with both babies screaming, which you can imagine brings on even more stares! I'd say I was fortunate that not all three kids were screaming! Way to go Jack, you did awesome.


  1. You are a brave woman. It makes me smile to picture you toting 3 kids around the store. All the things that never occur to those of us without kids--they seem so simple, yet get complicated so easily.

  2. amen to that! reading that gave me the most vivid mental picture. . . way to go, super Mom!



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