Saturday, August 28, 2010

What I've Been Up To

I'm super behind on my posting. I have Monday pictures to show you and a trip to the farm park and pictures of Logan's first smiles....but I'm not sure when I'll get around to it. Life has been hectic to say the least. When Schaeffer and Logan were first born they were relatively easy babies to care for. But as the weeks go by they get increasingly more difficult. With the move this week we were very busy and with my sister and her family also at my parents this week things were a bit chaotic but also fun and helpful to have extra hands around. That being days lately run on average in 2 hour cycles that look something like this.

Nurse for 30 minutes, play with happy babies for 10-15 minutes, spend the next hour trying to get babies asleep, babies sleep for 10-15 minutes and wake up hungry so we start over again. Often one will fall asleep fairly quickly and the other will take quite a while. Then within 10 minutes of the second one falling asleep, the first one will wake up ready to eat which means I wake up the second baby who I just spent a good hour with encouraging the slumber I am now waking him from. Of course I haven't been doing all of this on my own, we have lots of help right now. But when I'm not helping with the babies or with Jack all I want to do is eat or sit down and rest.

So that's what I've been up to since we moved. Thankfully, with extra hands around I've been able to unpack half of my suitcase and the twins' clothes and catch an occasional shower and nap. Hopefully, once things settle down a little and I adjust to life at my parents our routines will get sorted out and my blogging will resume at a more normal pace. Until then, please bear with me!

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