Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Food Withdrawal is Making Me Crazy

So I just really need to vent or something right now. I had sorta decided that April 1st would be the beginning of yet another personal campaign to lose weight. But I decided that sorta subconsciously and didn't really make any plans or psych myself up for it. Perhaps that's because I would have talked myself out of it. I desperately want to lose weight. I want clothes to fit me and I want to look cute and not feel fat all the time. But I also really enjoy food. Sunday night after a long walk with Nicole I stepped on the scale having an idea of what it might say....it read 5 pounds heavier than I expected. With that my diet was kicked into high gear. I was disappointed and frustrated. I searched around and found a couple of apps to help me out, a calorie tracker which for me is really helpful. I put in my info and my goals and it give me a number...a ridiculously small number (in my opinion) of calories I should consume if I want to reach my goals. So for two days now I've been trying, really trying to not eat so much. Of course, now that there are numbers and proof of my behavior all I can think about all day is how hungry I am or how good a handful of chex mix or a few Oreos would taste. Food is taunting me! And I've realized just how much I snack or grab a bite here and a bite there throughout the day. If I ate like normal I could skip meals and still struggle to stay under my calorie count based on random bites I take throughout the day. I have, however made the realization that I can eat more if I start to do more physical activity. Thus a 40 minute run/walk last night. Which has resulted in an incredibly sore knee today. It's all so frustrating! And it doesn't help that my husband hasn't gained a pound in years and he can eat whatever he wants as much as he wants and he can run as fast as he wants as far as he wants....and he doesn't even care about food! He would forget to eat if it didn't result in passing out. How is it that some people can look at an Oreo and gain five pounds and some people can eat 5 Oreos and gain nothing? And how is it that those same people who CAN eat Oreos don't really care to eat them and those of use who can't even look at them can't stop thinking about eating them?!!!!
Did I mention there is a pack of Oreos taunting me from the counter?


  1. I think you're going to have to stop buying oreos :) Unless you have way more cookie will power than I do. If there was an oreo in my house, it would be eaten, even if it made me feel sick later.

  2. I have two packages hidden in my house...Dennis had the nerve to say he is gaining weight because his pants aren't falling down as much lately...I can't hardly button mine.

    I can't say no to french fries or rolls or pasta or ice cream or cookies.



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