Sunday, December 6, 2009

Monkey See, Monkey Do

I've been meaning to write this post for a while now and I just keep forgetting. As many of you know, Jack adores his daddy. For the past couple of weeks Jack has been making us laugh at dinner. Paul tends to not sit still very well, he's always tapping his fingers or something like that. Jack has picked up on this and now when we're all at the table together Jack has started copying almost everything Paul does. If Paul swats at a fly, Jack swats at a "fly". If Paul drums his fingers on the table, Jack drums his fingers. If Paul takes a drink, Jack takes a drink. If Paul taps on his glass, Jack taps on his glass (and wonders why it doesn't make the same sound). If Paul scratches his head....well you get the point. It cracks me up and it has really made Paul aware of all his little movements that I don't think he realized he did before. 

These pictures below really have nothing to do with the post above, but I took them recently and they make me smile so I'm sharing them with you. In the first one Jack just starting grabbing his face on day. Over and over he would do this as though there was really something wrong. The second picture of of Jack getting ready to jump. He has become a pretty good jumper lately and there are times that that's all he does is jump around as high as he can. He bends real low and shoots up. It has been observed that he possibly has a higher vertical jump than me. I'm sad to say.

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