Friday, May 17, 2013

Bikes and Trikes

With springtime comes bike riding season in our house and this year has been full of firsts. I really wanted Jack to take his training wheels off because I knew he could do it. Every time we'd talk about it he would tell me that he really wants to when he gets a little older. I told him 5 was plenty old. A few Sunday's ago when the weather was nice I randomly asked him if he wanted to take his training wheels off. He said yes. So after lunch we put the twins down for their nap and took Jack outside for his first attempt at riding his bike without four wheels. His bike is tiny. Bending over to hold it up was a pain in the neck, back, least that's what Paul said. I only attempted once to help Jack and I made it much worse. Much to Paul's relief Jack learned very quickly and within the first hour Paul was running alongside instead of stooping over, holding on. In that first afternoon he had figured out the balancing aspect. The following week we worked on stopping, turning and starting and within a week he was pretty much good to go. Jack has impressed me with his positive attitude while learning to do something difficult, his determination to figure it out and his resiliency in getting up from falls. I feel like he's left another stage of toddlerhood behind.

Then there's these two. They loved their bikes last year and were anxious to get back on them this year. I've been trying to convince them to try pedaling but they are stubborn. Schaeffer decided to try and was actually starting to get it when he quit his pedal bike and went to his balance bike. He loves his "motorcycle" and I'm already seeing improvement on it. But pedaling for Schaeffer, for now is a no go. Logan started out refusing to even try the pedals and then one day last week he changed his mind and now he is almost a pro. Just last night I noticed he was pedaling almost exclusively (as compared to running on his bike) and also that he was getting just a smidge more power in his legs. I'm sure in no time Logan will be cruising around on his bike like he has always been a pedaler. He, on the other hand, really wants nothing to do with his balance bike. Who knows, tomorrow they could both change their minds and Schaeffer might pedal while Logan might try the balance bike.

Man powered bikes are fun and all but motorcycles are all the rage for my boys. Two of our neighbors have motorcycles, Uncle Kevin has one (though they might now know that) and now Papa Friend has a new motorcycle. He rode it over the other week to show the boys and they of course loved it. 


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