Monday, October 22, 2012

Mommy Vacation

We got home from our Florida vacation and I spent the week laying around feeling tired and out of sorts. Why does vacation do that to us? Vacation with kids is not so relaxing or energizing even if it is fun and memorable. So I was super excited that less than a week after getting home from Florida I was back on the road this time with my mom and sisters and no kids for a weekend getaway. A while back Amanda and I were shopping at the Washington Square and having a marvelous time when I thought hey, we should shop together more often. I suggested that the four of us take an annual trip to celebrate our birthdays and do a little shopping. Instead of buying gifts for each other on our birthdays we would go on this trip with the intention of buying something and having a good time. You know, since we were spending so much money on each other anyway. Ok, not really. We rarely do stuff for our birthdays, we are so lame and I am the worst. Everyone seemed to like the idea and we quickly planned a trip to Galena, IL for their annual giant craft fair. It turned out to be an extremely cold weekend to spend outside, but Galena was still beautiful and we had a great time wondering the booths and downtown shops and spending each others money. We had such a great time I think we are all looking forward to whatever we plan for next year. We went out for dinner, we watched movies, we shopped, we talked and we laughed a lot. It was just what I needed.

One of my major purchases. Hopefully, it won't be years before you see this hanging in my living room filled with pictures of my boys.

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