Saturday, November 3, 2012

Good Bye Dear Friend

The time has come to say good bye to a dear old friend of ours. We are getting a new sectional for the basement to replace our old, tired, battered, well loved relic from the past. It's silly to care so much about a piece of furniture. But this couch has been in my life since, well, the beginning. It was either purchased in 1980 or 1983, regardless that makes it around 30 years old. It lived in the basement of the house I was born in (not literally). It lived in the living room of the house I grew up in. Half of it lived in my college apartment and half of it lived in Paul's college apartment. It then found a home in our first apartment as a married couple and then in our first town home. It was there when we brought Jack home from the hospital and then again when we brought the twins home. Once we bought our house in Morton it had a short life on our main floor before we decided to place it in the basement. I remember as kids when my grandparents would visit, we would rearrange the pieces to make a bed for them to sleep on. It's just one of the comfiest couches. My dad still would take his naps on it if he could. As a teenager when I couldn't sleep I would go to the living room and tuck my arms and legs into the crevices of this couch where I would soon drift off. No idea why that worked better than my bed. I also remember laying tiny Jack in creases of the cushions as a baby. The couch would cradle him and my arms would finally get a free moment. Then there was the time that Paul sat down and got a needle in his butt. I suppose after all those years the couch needed a little retaliation. As kids we jumped and flipped and did handstands on this couch and as you scroll down you'll see that my kids do the same. Never have I met a bouncier couch. So it's silly to be so attached to a piece of furniture, but it's really all the memories it holds. After 30 years the couch it tired and worn out. At least one corner sags quite low when you sit on it. Every couch has rips on one if not both sides. The fabric is so thin it will hardly hold a stitch, though not for lack of trying. A side piece has recently begun to lose large quantities of stuffing. It's in a sad state. But it has not lots its bounce!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I use to reperform the roof top dance scene with the chimmeny sweep from Mary Poppins on that couch. I love that couch. RIP



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